Nutrition Tips from Jay Cutler
- the meals before and after training are the most crucial of the day. A solid breakfast as well is important in order for you to have all the nutrients to be able to perform all the heavy weights. Jay Cutler nutrition includes 6 meals a day are recommended, and one of his favorite is "Jay Cutlers Mr Double "O" Bowl" which contains over 100 grams of protein mainly from white chicken, rice, onions, green pepper and garlic.
- as per him, in time you learn what foods to eat and how to adjust. Your body will require different nutrients at different stages of growth. Jay Cutler nutrition is based on chicken, egg white, carbs and MuscleTech Supplements on top of that , having in consideration that he is training 6 days a week.
- the most important meals of the day: breakfast, before and after workout should be calculated in order to get the right amount of nutrients.
- eating enough will help you to avoid overtraining the body.
Jay Cutler Workout Tips
- keep the number of repetitions low (@10) and push as much heavy weight as possible is one of his techniques. Heavy weights builds muscle.
- train each body part once or twice a week.
- take 1 day or 2 days rest/week.
- include 15 minutes posing session to monitor your progress. This is in case you are following a bodybuilder career. Posing is the most artistic aspect of bodybuilding. As he prepares for competitions he analyzes every muscle.
- involve a lot of stretching and massage up to 3 times a week to allow the muscle to recover from workout and become bigger, more defined, more conditioned.
- genetic is one of the factors that might influence your growth, but only a disciplined animalic workout routine will define and grow your muscles.
- Cutler workout includes as well cardiovascular conditioning in order to maintain a stable level of energy.
- do the stuff that allows the least amount of stress. Stress is the biggest factor in training for a competition.
- give time to rest and to eat properly. You don't want to be in the gym beating yourself up more than you need to. Your body will start to read what's going on and will adapt to the situation.
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